Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Sometimes people aren't really who we think they are.
Sometimes people mean more to you than you realize.
Sometimes we trust those that should not be trusted & don't trust the ones we should.
Family means more than other things.
True friends stand by you no matter what happens, even if you may be wrong.
Children and Grandchildren are a precious gift.
People can be crueler than we think.
Happiness starts from within. No one can make you happy, but you can share the happiness.
Love happens, but it doesn't always stay.
Treasure what you have today, because tomorrow it may not be there.
Situations aren't always what they seem to be. There's a lot of grey shades between black and white.
May 5th will always be a mixed feeling day.
Remember to tell the people you love that you love them, even if they don't love you back.
Always stay in the moment...Yesterday is the past it cannot be changed, tomorrow may come but it isn't promised, today you can do anything you put your mind to and make it happen.
Choices are just that, choices. Whether they are right wrong or indifferent it's no ones place to judge.
There are no mistakes in life, everything happens for a reason.
Life can be wonderful if you live it, and not let it pass you by.
No matter how many curve-balls you're thrown, eventually you'll hit a home run.
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!

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